Submission (#5218) Approved

9 April 2023, 18:40:08 PDT (1 year ago)
24 April 2023, 19:43:45 PDT (1 year ago) by Mocha-Miel


I do hope the blurb is good enough! I apologize for not adding a background x.x it completely slipped my mind.


This plants grows within the water of Ealei, the petals a gorgeous blue to violet hue as though it was attempting to be iridescent. This lovely flower has an aroma like no other, a mixture of lavender and pine is the best way to describe this flora's scent. While during the day it does not bloom it does have the smallest of glows within the petals. What does it have to offer? No one really knows until the night falls upon the sky and moonlight peeks through the massive branches and leaves of Ealei's elder tree. The smallest of moonlight caused this flora to bloom and open it's petals to show what lies dormant. Small sacks of the finest of nectar are hidden inside and some nin may seek it for herbal medicinal reasons. Or possibly something to simply add to their food, as the petals could also be used for decoration or even grinded down into a beautiful paint this flower offers many things. Even the roots it grows could be used for herbs and the lily pad it sits upon could even be used as a hat if a elnin or human wants something to keep them safe from the sun. Overall this flora could be greatly desired if given the chance. It should also be noted that this unique flora can be found deep in the marshes and can be a rare sight in any other location but Ealei. 


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for MYO-ELN386: Vulir

MYO-ELN386: Vulir

Reward Amount
AP (Ealei) (Currencies) 1


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