Submission (#4674) Approved

2 January 2023, 01:33:49 PST (2 years ago)
9 March 2023, 08:27:55 PST (2 years ago) by AliLV


Quest: Resonance - Act 4
Act Type: Advanced*
Word Count: 910
Regional Affinity: None
*Advanced Act Requirement for Noble Rank


There's no place like home. The cooler atmosphere was a relief and the clouds above were a comfort. The thick, lush forests were a blanket of warmth and so familiar. Cain felt so happy to be back in his home region. He followed the path through the mountain until he reached a small hovel, dark and cold with vacancy. Only months had gone by since Cain left on his journey for knowledge, but he felt it had been an eternity. Years it felt. He wondered if his home would even recognize him.

Soon he was lighting his lanterns and tending a fire to give his abode life again. The dust was thick so he spent some time cleaning up a few things, especially his eating area and his bed. He would unpack his bag full of clothes and food, which he would nibble on as he set to put things away. His pomu would help out with a couple of things, bumbling around the den to try to make things tidy again. Once he was done with his snack, he would make sure the fire was secure before tending to his resting area. The stale bedding was soon fluffed up with clean sheets and blankets. He felt safe and cozy, ready to lie down and rest for a while.

And so he did.

At least, he tried to. He felt restless somehow, unable to fall into a lull of comfort enough to drift into sleep. Cain would toss and turn until he eventually gave into his uneasiness and sat up, scratching at his head. He had traveled for so long and so far, and yet he felt the need to keep going somehow. The journey wasn't quite over yet, he could feel it deep in his gut. Where was he to go? He didn't understand. Cain would drag himself from the warm blankets and step outside where he would stare across the land of Kyendi, the islands floating off in the distance. Although the forest was thick, he had a little outlook that viewed the valley.

As he sat to watch the scenery, the dark clouds moving in, some movement in the brush caught his eye. As the rain started to pour, Cain hurried under the cover of the trees but kept his vision on the figure moving through. The presence felt familiar somehow, and in an instant, he knew what he must do.

"Father," he called, running to catch up with Laurent. The royal seemed to have an objective of his own as he only glanced back to acknowledge Cain before continuing down the mountain path. They progressed quietly, both in comfortable silence as they sought out their purpose for the day. Laurent guided the kittom to a small village, one that was nestled in the woods and appeared quiet from the rain. Everyone was resting and taking shelter in their cozy homes, something Cain wished he could do.

First, he rounded a corner, brushing up against his father's side as they faced a few pots. They were on the edge of a garden next to a shed, empty pots lining the side that appeared vacant of any herbs for quite some time. An urge overwhelmed Cain as he suddenly bolted forward, head-butting some of the pottery, causing it to fall over and crack. He would keep the assault going until all of them were in pieces.

The rain made his footing hard on the fresh grass, Cain slipping a few times as he caused havoc upon the ceramic containers. He wouldn't leave any of them unscathed as long as his father kept watch and didn't interfere. He didn't. He may have joined in a couple of times, in fact, but the kittom was the main destroyer in this situation, letting out any frustrations he may have had. The energy he had earlier prevented him from sleep seeped out in bursts of yips as he punted the last pot into the side of the shed, shattering upon impact.

Breathing hard and wet, Cain would slowly look up at Laurent who seemed pleased with a casual smile. The son would smile back, shaking himself of excess water before standing up straight. His pomu would seep up from his shadow in order to inspect the damage, poking at a few of the pots as if curious about the type of material. They'd even try to pile up some of the pieces so it would be easier for the original owners to clean up once they found the carnage beside their shed. Unfortunately, there was no treasure to be had in the wake of the destruction before them, but Cain needed no gems or gold, the reward he sought was bliss and he felt the wave of exhaustion wash over him. Laurent gestured to leave and so they went, back up into the wood and on the trail once more.

As they grew closer to Cain's hovel, the royal would depart himself on a different path, watching for a brief moment as the kittom walked wearily to his entrance. The little prince would glance back one last time at his father, nodding before the both of them turned to their respective paths. Cain would wipe himself down as he was cold, wet, and muddy. Once he was satisfied, he would slip back into his bed and settle down as the rain drowned his anxieties.

Cain closed his eyes and drifted into slumber.


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for ELN021: Laurent

ELN021: Laurent

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for ELN2875: Cain 🕯️

ELN2875: Cain 🕯️

Reward Amount


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ghostaris's Bank

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