Submission (#4673) Approved

2 January 2023, 01:30:03 PST (2 years ago)
9 March 2023, 08:34:07 PST (2 years ago) by AliLV


Quest: Resonance - Act 3
Act Type: Character
Word Count: 910
Regional Affinity: Zevija
Claiming AP for: Cain [ELN2875]


The capital city of Zevija was far bigger than Cain had ever expected, the streets filled with all kinds of creatures. Trade tents lined the streets as far as the eye could see as housing and other large businesses were built into the rock face of cliffs. It almost reminded him of Ahza, but the village he visited didn't have houses in the rock, only made of it. The kittom was almost overwhelmed if it weren't for Darcy and his guidance, but even he had to depart on his own way after dropping Cain off at a local inn. He wasn't used to having a room without windows, but he didn't mind at all. The noise of the city was dampened.

For days he lulled around in his room, resting from the long travels and the uncertainty of what he would do now that he had no guide. The city was a big place and Zevija was such an unknown to him. He was intimidated, and he wasn't afraid to admit it, but he couldn't stay in his room forever. He had to do something, and perhaps he would try to seek out some quiet and solace from the hustle of the city.

After his breakfast, Cain would sling his pack on his shoulder and set out early in the morning when the crowd wasn't as overwhelming. He wandered the trade booths for a while, curious as to the wares that were sold in such an odd place. He noticed many of the foods were spiced, he could smell the tangy aroma wafting through as he walked the aisles. He was tempted to try some of these hot foods, but he knew he wouldn't be able to handle them. Just smelling a few gave his stomach an unhappy churn.

While nothing really sprung out at him for most of the day, there was one booth that stood out to him. Bonsai trees lined the center table while urns of pure spice lined another. The sign above mentioned a shrine, but the kittom was intrigued by the small little trees. Their bark was a stark white, similar to the birch trees he saw in Bellmoril, only the leaves were a vibrant red. It reminded him of the redness of lava flows he caught glimpses of with Darcy.

The shopkeeper noticed Cain was interested in the bonsai and quickly inquired. The kittom wasn't quite sure what the purpose was, besides a cozy little decoration for the home or a novelty gift for someone. The shopkeep seemed to chuckle at him out of amusement. He explained they were offerings for the world tree of Zevija. Embarrassed, Cain rubbed the back of his neck and nodded with a half smile. He had seen the tree in the far distance while traveling with Darcy, and now that he thought more about it, the little bonsai did resemble those blazing red leaves.

In the end, Cain decided he wanted to take the time to explore the region more. He also never visited one of the world trees before, so he bought one of the bonsai and a bowl of incense spices. With the crowd starting to gather heavily in the city, he would weave his way throughout and onto the trail directed to him by the shopkeeper. Cain was meticulous about following the obvious road as he did not want to encounter any dangers now that he was alone without a guide. Darcy had educated him on what to look out for, so he was confident in staying safe.

As the sun rose high into the sky, Cain finally found himself at the gigantic roots of the world tree of Zevija. The stark white against the obsidian rock was mesmerizing and he stepped forward to the other offerings placed. The kittom would place the smaller tree down, taking a little bow as he did. He knew how important the trees were, they were what held Eyre together. It's what made travel between each region possible. He was grateful for the sheer power of the world tree and the wonders it brought.

Sitting down the spices, Cain would fish out the packet of matches out of his pocket, striking one to light the incense. He would let the spices burn for a few seconds before blowing out the flames, letting the embers smolder and emitting a soothing scent through the air. The kittom would sit down, hugging his bag against his chest while resting his chin down on it. Without noticing, his pomu popped up from his shadow to sit down next to him. They looked up at the kittom before trying to mimic the pose he was in. Cain felt at peace. Being alone, he could feel himself thinking about his future and what was to come once he got back to Kyendi. He was ready to grow up, he wanted to take on the world and with the knowledge he acquired throughout his journey, he felt confident.

Gazing up into the canopy of the tree, the kittom would lay a hand against the root of the world tree. He'd stare at the fire-red leaves gently swaying against the sky and jagged mountains. His pomu would mimic the gesture again, staring at the kittom rather than the branches.

"Thank you," he murmured, smiling for moments before he decided to stand up. He felt Zevija had given him everything he needed.

Cain was ready to go home.


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for ELN2875: Cain 🕯️

ELN2875: Cain 🕯️

Reward Amount
AP (Zevija) (Currencies) 1


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Item Source Notes Quantity

ghostaris's Bank

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