Submission (#4533) Approved

30 November 2022, 14:39:27 PST (2 years ago)
27 May 2023, 08:51:18 PDT (1 year ago) by tatter


Word count: 943 (+2 EC)
Regional Affinity: Bellmoril
Elnin: ELN2239

Pomu is present (+1 EC)


Bellmoril did not exactly suit Heilong in his current endeavor, but it was where his target was, so he figured he would make due somehow or other, even if the environment was against him. Taking a look around, the small kittom huffed a puff of air before turning to look to his side, where his shadow cast on the ground. From there, his pomu peeked out, and the kittom crouched on the ground so he could whisper properly to it, "Are you ready?" the pomu in question did not say anything back, but rather, lifted its tiny paw and gave its owner a proper thumbs up before sinking back into the depths of the shadow he cast, where it would stay until it was its turn to show up, "Wait until I call back for you," murmured the kittom solemnly, "We need to find the perfect place to plan out where to jump out from."

That said, he began to look around the golden landscape; he wanted to find the perfect place, which was no easy business! He needed a spot that was close enough to town that he would be able to spot Yokai from and keep an eye on her, and he also needed a spot where he could somehow hide his very obvious black, red and white pelt from view. A difficult endeavor, given his surroundings fit his target much more than they fit him. He had no idea why she liked the region so much but then again... perhaps the affinity came from the likeliness. The autumnal forest that surrounded him did make him think of the golden hued kittom, and with the thought of her, the same strange feeling of embarrassment came and gripped at his chest. Oh, he'll show her. Startle her good and proper, he would! It was the season for it anyways, Long was sure he could get away with it without having to worry about a proper talking down to from the others or the adults.

Padding around, he couldn't quite see anywhere that would correctly hide him or his pomu correctly. The bushes and grass where golden and not quite tall enough, but perhaps... with a little imagination, "Hey," the pomu, which had remain hidden peeked out at him, and Long could have sworn the tiny creature looked like it wanted to roll its eyes at him, "Think you can help me by climbing up the tree and tossing down leaves? We could build a pile large enough to hide in!" again, the pomu in question did not answer verbally; nary a squeak. Instead, it silently materialized completely and began to climb up one of the many trees around them, tossing golden leaves down, letting them slowly, albeit surely began to pool.

It was by the time they had a hefty pile, that a familiar face showed up and paused nearby. Rohan approached Heilong and tilted his head, "What on eyre are you doing?" the tan colored kittom sat down and looked up to Heilong's pomu, whom was still up in the tree, slowly letting leaves trail down, and then back down at its owner, arching a grow as further question.

Long paused just briefly enough to drop a leaf onto the pile before looking left and then right, almost as if to make sure Rohan had not been followed or he hadn't a companion. Specifically a certain golden kittom, and then started the other boy in the eyes, "No...thing?"

"That doesn't sound particularly convincing, my dude," came the reply, before tired red hued eyes looked back up at the tree, staring directly at the pomu before squinting, "Hmmmm..." lowering his gaze back down, he tilted his head and stared at Heilong, "You wouldn't be trying to use this pile of leaf to hide in and prank someone, would you?"


"Uh-huh. You're sure about that, right?" Rohan received a fervent series of nods, so sharp and rapid that the tan kittom huffed, afraid the other would hurt himself, "This wouldn't have anything to do with a mutual acquaintance of ours, would it?" silence welcomed his words, "This wouldn't have anything to do with your, frankly, obvious crush on Yokai, would it?"

"What?! No! Of course not! I would never!" a pause again, "I don't have a crush on her."

It was right about then, that a startling screech, followed by a pounce knocked Heilong sideways and into the pile of leaves he'd been carefully building. The flash of gold that had tackled the koi colored kittom cackled as they both landed in the pile, scattering golden leaves in the air without care while the pomu that had been slowly dropping them let out a clear sigh as it began to climb down from its previous perch on the high up branches.

Rohan had noticed Yokai creeping up on the unaware black kittom, and had merely stopped to do his due, smirking softly as he got up from his sitting position, "Sure you don't, The trees here don't ever lose their leaves, my guy... it was a poor plan anyways," he said, though he was quite certain the two struggling kittoms in the pile of leaves barely heard him as he took his leave from the scene.

Though he had not managed to play the prank he had started off wanting to, Heilong figured it didn't quite matter. As he rolled and laughed in the leaves with his friend, who had not only startled him, but managed to win him at his game... he felt that winning wasn't really that important, and besides, he still FELT like he'd won at any rate.


Reward Amount
Elecite Coins 9


Thumbnail for ELN2239: Hēilóng

ELN2239: Hēilóng

Reward Amount
AP (Bellmoril) (Currencies) 1
Thumbnail for ELN2739: Yōkai

ELN2739: Yōkai

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for ELN2747: Rohan

ELN2747: Rohan

Reward Amount


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Daffupanda's Bank

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