Submission (#3840) Approved

3 July 2022, 08:45:39 PDT (1 year ago)
3 July 2022, 10:15:51 PDT (1 year ago) by tatter


Regional Affinity: Ahza
Elnin: ELN1525
Word count: 463


The desert sucks.

That’s the first thing you should take down. It’s hot, it’s nothing but sand that gets anywhere and everywhere, it’s all over the place, like how the hell are you supposed to know where you’re going? It’s too big and then nights were worse.

The desert just sucks.

Hot sand isn’t exactly fun for your paws and even then with something covering them it’s still too warm.

Well that’s what Pomona thought.

You can’t find much out here. It was like home she guessed, can’t really find anything in that giant snow desert either. It was too difficult. 

Of course Ahza was the neighbouring place to her home, Strynhalde, which confused her a lot. How could a desert and a snow tundra be so close to each other without messing with the other's climate? That was future Pomona’s issue to figure out for herself.

Her paws were on fire, sinking and slipping at times from the burning sand beneath her. She should have come more prepared for this place. Her gaze flicks around, examining the cactuses that were scattered about. Taking a worrying note of the barbed like spines, she better keep a distance less she trip and get all tangled in those. That wasn’t on her bucket list.

She will admit that the flowers on them were pretty, a refreshing sight from everything else.

This land could put anyone in a bad mood, sand being fluffy and soft at first before weighing you down the further and longer you’ve been in it. Grabbing your ankles and yanking down. The extreme heat gives you headaches. Oh and can’t forget the idea that a sandstorm could happen if the weather gets bad. As if walking in sand wasn’t enough, you’d have to worry about it getting all up in your airspace and eyes.

She yelps, tripping as her back paw got stuck in the hole of a skull, sending her crashing to the ground, the skull hitting the ground twice before remaining where it was. She huffs, shaking the sand out of her fur as she clumsily gets back onto her feet, glaring down at the inconvenience. It however sends a very chilling reminder, if she isn’t careful out here she could end up like that, dead. Shaking herself out of her morbid thoughts she quickly moves on, not daring to look back, now feeling a bit scared.

She couldn’t help but be relieved seeing an oasis up ahead, well she hoped it was an actual one and not her mind playing tricks. 

It would be a good stop to drink and relax for a couple hours before heading off again to see the eldertree. From what she was told it was like a banyan-type tree, that would be a nice sight.



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Thumbnail for ELN1525: Pomona

ELN1525: Pomona

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AP (Ahza) (Currencies) 1


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