Submission (#3797) Approved

27 June 2022, 20:52:04 PDT (2 years ago)
28 June 2022, 21:00:34 PDT (2 years ago) by tatter


Regional Affinity: Ealei
Elnin: ELN2578 (Rhapsody)
Word Count: 996


Rhapsody whistled as he strolled down the wooden dock, harmonizing to the sound of water splashing against the wooden supports below him. It was a beautiful, clear day in Port Pthalo, and beams of sunlight trickled through the leaves overhead. He had spent the past month in this strange land, and he dearly missed the feeling of sand between his toe beans. Soon, he thought. But first he needed to make his way to the harbor to welcome in a special guest.

As he rounded the final bend, Rhapsody spotted the masts of a large schooner above the treetops. A navy blue flag decorated with stars and constellations flew above the tallest mast. As the ship came fully into view, he couldn’t help but marvel at the magnificent vessel. The gangway was crowded with passengers bound for Ealei’s bustling port town. Between the crisp azure sky, white fluffy clouds and crystal-clear waters, it looked like a scene from a painting. He desperately hoped that he could imprint this image into his memory.

Rhapsody continued down the pier, and suddenly a ball of blue and aqua floof shot out from behind some barrels and bowled him over. He found himself pinned down on his chest with one leg twisted behind his back.

“Gi’ me all yerrrrr loot ‘r yuh’ll be sleepin’ wi’ tha fishes!” a voice barked out above him.

Rhapsody gulped and wiggled a bit, trying to gain some leverage against his assailant. “I… I have but one item of value…” he trailed off, as he managed to wrestle his other paw out from under his chest. A glistening mother of pearl pendant with intricate swirled carvings dangled from his claws on a gilded chain.

The other nin released him and took a step back, grasping at her neck with her paws. “How… when did you…?”

Rhapsody dusted himself off and tossed the necklace to her with a sly wink. Honestly, he probably deserved to be chucked into the ocean after what he did the last time he saw his sister; he had stolen that very necklace and hidden it in her best friend’s bed, then he made off with their bundle of figs and jam before he could face judgement. Ah, good times…

“You haven’t changed at all,” Adria huffed as she refastened the chain around her neck.


After exchanging a few pleasantries and insults, the kittoms made their way toward their lodgings. Rhapsody pointed out landmarks along the way. “… and that fancy looking place up that tree there with the spacious deck is a restaurant that makes the best chili with pickled herring. Oh, and if you go down that walkway, you’ll eventually get to a massive tree with a hollow in its roots that’s like a cave. The locals like to leave offerings there before they head out to fish and crab. It’s said to ward off bad weather and bring better catches. I’m not sure if I believe it, but the treats they leave are mighty tasty… maybe we should go browse today’s bounty…”

Adria gave Rhapsody a judgmental look and he chuckled to himself. Maybe later…

“So… what should we do today?” Rhapsody inquired.

“Well, you see…” Adria trailed off as she twirled around her wheeled trunk. “I come bearing treats!”

Adria unlatched the lid, flipped it open and gasped; the compartment was completely empty! She turned on Rhapsody and advanced on him until he was backed up against the low wooden railing, foot nearly slipping off the wooden surface. “Where is it?” Adria growled.

“Oh, you mean this?” Rhapsody pulled a smooth, shiny sphere from behind his back with a flourish. With a smirk, Adria sprung backwards, and the sphere burst into a cloud of vibrant dust.

“Caught red-handed!” she cried out with glee. “Well, technically it’s blue-pawed…”

Rhapsody sat still as a statue, his eyes wide with surprise, the brightly colored powder clinging to his sleek coat.

“I… I knew… you couldn’t resist,” Adria choked out between giggles. “I had the rest of my luggage shipped directly to the inn.”

Rhapsody coughed out a wisp of cobalt mist, then lunged toward his sister. She dodged just in time, and he went careening over the railing. Rhapsody willed himself to sprout wings and fly, but alas he was just a normal nin. The glittering waters welcomed him graciously, and the pigment in his fur quickly rinsed out, creating swirls in the surf. Once he regained his bearings, Rhapsody sighed and paddled his way to the nearest tree, climbing back up via the tree’s twisted roots. Adria was waiting for him with a dry towel.

“Where did you…?”

“False bottom,” she knocked on the side of her trunk.

“Truce?” Rhapsody shivered as he padded his soaked ears and ego with the towel.

“We’ll see…” Adria winked.


The rest of the trip went relatively smoothly, aside from a few less splashy pranks. The disastrous duo spent the mornings exploring the mangrove canopies, hoping to find hidden treasures left in the trees’ crevices by the glossy black crows that roosted there. In the afternoons, they sampled manaberry pies, baked dragonapples and honeyed yogurt with candied orchid blossoms while watching the ships drift in and out of port. Adria purchased some trinkets and baubles to bring back to her beau who awaited her in Faerindell, while Rhapsody secured the textiles that his father had sent him for.

The kittoms knew that once they each set off for their next destinations, they wouldn’t see each other for quite some time. Who knew if they’d meet up again before they were grown? Parting would be sad, but at least there would be more shenanigans to look forward to next time.

Rhapsody patted his satchel, making sure that his prize was still tucked securely inside. Maybe his sister wouldn’t notice that her necklace was missing before she left, and she’d have a reason to visit him sooner…


Reward Amount
Elecite Coins 8


Thumbnail for ELN2056: Adria

ELN2056: Adria

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for ELN2578: Rhapsody

ELN2578: Rhapsody

Reward Amount
AP (Ealei) (Currencies) 1


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