Submission (#3658) Approved

31 May 2022, 21:41:09 PDT (2 years ago)
31 May 2022, 22:14:23 PDT (2 years ago) by Mocha-Miel


320 words

ealei AP


Pyralis has always loved Ealei. He loves every region he visits, of course, but that's besides the point. Ealei in particular has so many exciting sights and scents (especially at the markets!) It has a wholly different feel from other regions, owed at least in part to the fact that the entire region is among the branches of Yggdrasil.

Although you won't find proper ground crops like you'd normally see in Faerindell, Ealei's fruit crop is unrivaled. In addition to the regular fare, branches of apples and oranges grafted onto Yggdrasil's life-giving branches, you also have the more unique fruits. One in particular is especially famous- the manaberry. They can be seen dotting the highest branches of Yggdrasil's crown, their brilliant teal and blue color shining in the sunlight.

The seafood is nothing to turn your nose up at, either. Ealei's wild-caught fish aren't as... exciting as those found in the Rainbow Reef in the Palu'au islands, but what they lack in adventure, they make up in taste! Every day, fishernin can be seen shoving off from the docks and roots at Yggdrasil's base and making their way out onto the ocean to try their luck with catching something delicious. Just because the fish are abundant doesn't mean it's an easy job, however. The ocean surrounding Ealei is rocky, and can be a little more rough than the shallow tropical waters in Palu'au. Those who know their way around the rocks will find themselves with a bounty of delicious seafood. Many cook it themselves, but it's also one of Ealei's largest exports and biggest sellers at the market. Pyralis maintains that he prefers the strange fish from the Rainbow Reef, but even he can't deny the nutrional value of Ealei's ocean bounty.

All in all, Pyralis loves visiting Ealei over and over again. Even if it's just to eat a big meal and lay down to look at the clouds.


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for ELN088: Pyralis 🌿

ELN088: Pyralis 🌿

Reward Amount
AP (Ealei) (Currencies) 1


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