Submission (#3224) Approved

27 February 2022, 18:27:39 PST (2 years ago)
28 February 2022, 20:03:48 PST (2 years ago) by tatter


Velia and Taiki have a lovely dinner just after Date Day, on Taiki's Birthday!

Regional Affinity: Enmir
955 words


It was a beautiful time of year, and the season where elnin of all ages were working on their lanterns. Spring was on the way, and incidentally it was Velia’s favorite time of year. It was a time of festivities and fun. It was enjoyable to see all the flowers growing. But the reason why it was her most favorite time of year now was…

“Taiki’s Birthday!~” Velia sang with glee! She gasped and covered her mouth, slyly glancing toward the door to the cabin’s kitchen. For the past few hours she’d been working on the finishing touches of her surprise for him–his birthday fell just after what some other-worlders she’d met  called ‘Valentine’s Day’ (a day her son approved of 100%). And though her skill in the kitchen measured close to negative five on a scale of one-to-ten, she had put her all into making a lovely dinner and dessert for him.

With a pleased squint she looked down at the tray of food, her mouth curling with slight mischief. Taiki had always been an adventurous one, so he wouldn’t mind having an adventurous meal together with her, right? 


Quietly she made two plates, looking out of the window as she thought. The wooden buildings and walkways of Enmir were their home (for now) and their rented cabin was quiet, since all the kittoms were out and about doing what kittoms did. They knew to stay close to town, and all the dangers of miasma season, so she was able to set aside her worries long enough to take care of the other special Elnin in her life.

“Tai, are you still sleeping?” She asked quietly, leaning to look out of the cabin window. There on the patio, a few yards away, Taiki lay reclining on a chair, his face obscured by his vividly striped hair. Even the quiet lapping of the swamp water nearby didn’t seem to awaken him. When he didn’t stir, she smiled and ducked back into the kitchen.


She carefully carried the tray and plates out, making sure not to slap her massive ears on the doorframe (like she had been doing all week much to her annoyance). After successfully making her way over to the small patio table beside him, she began setting it up, including the pink candle she’d smuggled along in her mane. “Extra romantic.” She noted to herself, admiring the heart decal on it. The seller at the stall she got it from assured her that it was key to any romantic dinner under the stars. Not… that she could really see the stars with all the overhanging swamp trees. But the darkness created by the dark, twisting trees and the abundance of moss served to create a perfect black canvas for the fireflies above. Tonight their starlit sky would be composed of fireflies it seemed.


“Super romantic.”

The sudden voice made Velia jump, and she nearly stumbled backwards over the railing and into the water behind her. With wide eyes she watched Taiki lift his head, a playful smirk on his face. “Had you been awake this whole time!?” Velia barked, which made him laugh.

“No, but I’m happy with what I woke up to.” The elnin gave her a wink.

“Dinner!” Velia said, oblivious as usual, and Taiki shook his head. But he sat up to meet her at the table, watching as she tucked her tail behind her and fixed her hair. Cheerfully she beamed at him, “I’ve been working on it a while.”


“What is it?”


“Oh, just a recipe I came up with.”


“Uh oh.”


“Uh oh? I think you’ll like it!” Velia leaned in, her eyes gleaming non-mutationally, “If you’re brave enough to try it.”


As if she’d said some magic phrase, Taiki sat up, bracing himself as he lifted an eyebrow and faced this challenge. “You’re kidding right? I don’t run away from much, I think I can handle your cooking.”


“You couldn’t last time.”


“I could handle it, my stomach couldn’t. Very different.” 


Velia chuckled and decided that then was the time to uncover the meal! With a graceful swipe she removed the dish’s lid, revealing the food in all its steamy glory!


Before them sat a large, heart-shaped pile of glorious slop that quivered with transferred momentum. Stems, leaves, juice and pulp; gristle, sinew, breading and sauce; half of a mostly-cooked egg and fragments of every berry known to nin… these were but some of the near-blackened ingredients in the ‘meal’ between them. Just as it settled a red ooze bubbled from the center of the heart-shaped monstrosity, giving one last puff of steam. As if to say, ‘I was made with love!’ Finally clear of steam, the words written carefully on top were legible–


Happy Birthday Taiki! ~<3


Taiki stared into what could possibly be the last meal of his life, before looking up into Velia’s excited, waiting eyes. “For real? Is this a birthday cake or…” He chuckled, and when he noted her frown he backpedaled. “I mean, it looks great! Can we eat it?”


“Yes! I tested it already, and it’s perfectly edible!” Velia took up a spoon, nodding encouragement his way. 


With a grumble he took up a spoon, eying the swamp and wondering if it would work in a pinch to wash this mess down. But even as he thought that he had to smile. He was glad to share so many adventures with Velia. As she was glad to spend them with him.


Traveling. Exploring. Choking down Velia’s cooking. Having a family together.


They were all great adventures they shared together, with more on the way. Like the trip to the doctor that night for some stomach medicine.


Reward Amount
Elecite Coins 8


Thumbnail for ELN1200: Taiki

ELN1200: Taiki

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for ELN1266: 𝕍𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕒 ❤

ELN1266: 𝕍𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕒 ❤

Reward Amount
AP (Enmir) (Currencies) 1


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