Submission (#3141) Approved

3 February 2022, 17:09:28 PST (2 years ago)
28 March 2022, 15:51:12 PDT (2 years ago) by Sharky


all ap from resonance questing will go to strynhalde! i dont know if i have to mark it in citron's bank, but let me know if i did it wrong please! * v *


Ever since that one fateful encounter, with a well-renowned adventurer visiting the ever-bustling Islasera for his families hand-crafted jellies and jam, Citron has always been drawn to the prospect of making a name for himself, to stand out beyond his family and his dear home in which tourists constantly mingled. There were so many stories of grande bravado that the little kittom couldn't help but stare at this glorious voyager in awe. When his select items were brought towards the counter, he promptly payed, tipped well, and offered a gracious bow to all in the store. His gratuity was met with smiles and waves of good bye, but Citron couldn't help his tiny body from vacating the seat and dashing after the venturer and freezing in place when his panicked stare was met with cool eyes. Clearing his throat, the kit would ask if this stranger thinks he has what it takes to be just like him when he's of age for his own exploration. A paw raised to playfully ruffle the tuft of hair on the orange kittom's head, and a nod in agreement.

That memory preserved in his mind for all of eternity, pushed him to get out of his comfort zone and practice what he already had an interest in. It started off with wandering by the shore, pulling trinkets and other treasures from the soft sands, to exploring the depths of the ocean that his little body could reach without danger, and finally he resolved to slowly creeping past the borders to stowaway on ships that would visit the other neighboring regions. The surprise on his face when he was roused from his unintentional slumber by the ship's sway on the water beneath them, and by the chilly air that nipped at his nose. Stumbling off of the ship, it seemed to be void of all life. Green irises squint to try and peek beyond the horizon, but all that could be seen was miles long of powdered trees. His hot breath mixed with the chilled air showed in the form of puffy vapor, and Citron continued forth, entranced by the way the sunlight reflected off of the icicles from the corner of his eye. Just a little ways away was a village, with laughter and a feast that reminded him of Yuletide festivities without it necessarily being around that time of year. Practically inviting himself in, he stares rather intensely at a couple with the biggest begging eyes and they couldn't ignore that twinge of guilt in their hearts -- scoring the kittom a delicious dinner for himself and a warm beverage along the way. This place was practically a winter wonderland, with the delighted squeals of other children his age skating on the hardened lake, their little Pomu's scattered about as they tried to right themselves before ultimately giving up and slinking back into their respective shadows.

This new area, it made his adrenaline rush to the point where his hearing had faded out and all he could hear was the steady beat of his own heart, conflicted interest to have his own fun on the ice rink, or to further browse more collectable items that were exclusive to this frozen festival, Citron's actions had finally settled on his back and that's when the trembling began, enhanced by the chilled wind and lack of appropriate dresswear.

He had left home without telling his parents, and now he wasn't sure on how to get home without any visiting ships. Urgency practically flowed into his lungs, choking him up until he came face-to-face with a wooden door of a cabin a little ways away from the other homes. There, a beige elnin peeked down at the sight for sore eyes, and smiled warmly at his sudden visitor. Basil took two steps as if he was silently inviting the kittom in, and Citron, without missing a beat, scampered inside with his ears pinned back in anxiousness. Closing the door, Basil's eyes shone with mirth before speaking up, "Hey kiddo, is everything alright? You look like you just saw a ghost!" He couldn't help himself, perhaps a little joke might be just what Citron needs to release some tension. Unfortunately... It was not. His voice pipes up, grateful for the stranger's sudden hospitality, but confused at how quickly he was accepted into this house -- this village.

"I live in Palu'au, and I accidentally caught a ride to, wherever this place is, and I didn't tell my parents..." His face pales, the gruff-looking elnin chuckles and calls for someone, whoever Eos was. "I don't know how to tell them I'm okay, or where I am!"

"You're in Strynhalde, of course. One of the most beautiful places in all of Eyre. Look, kiddo, I know it's no grand ship... But I do have a little boat we can use to sail back home. You really should be careful next time, especially since you have no coverings and this place is notoriously cold." Even with the adult lecturing, Citron released a breathy sigh of relief. Down the stairs, a girl approached the two of them and drew rather close to his person. A wool-lined cloak was tossed over both shoulders and tied in place with a bow around his neck, more than likely to shield him from the chilled air as it whipped around loudly outside. His face flushed darker, and Citron quickly turned his head away, muttering a 'thank you' before Basil pulled him in closer for a hug. It felt awkward, but a part of him liked the affection, it soothed his fear.

"My name's Basil, and that girl over there is my daughter, Eos. Yours?"

"It's Citron..."

"Well, nice to meet you Citron. You ready to head home now?"


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for MYO-ELN111: Basil

MYO-ELN111: Basil

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for ELN1296: Eos

ELN1296: Eos

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for ELN1518: Citron

ELN1518: Citron

Reward Amount
AP (Strynhalde) (Currencies) 1


These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

bisflorescentia's Bank

Currency Quantity