Submission (#2329) Approved

29 May 2021, 11:19:09 PDT (3 years ago)
29 May 2021, 15:24:46 PDT (3 years ago) by tatter



Lyra was still adjusting to life in Faerindell. She was used to living in somewhat darker surroundings, and the constant explosion of color in the place had her both impressed and overwhelmed; did someone like her really fit in there? While those thoughts did surface on occasion, it was usually for no more than a few slight seconds, where she was aware of them but pushed them away again, well away.Like the same cherry blossoms falling one, after another, into the still waters of the lake I had found....

Effectively scaring away all the fish.

Lyra certainly led a carefree life where she didn't care what they might think of her either, even if she felt like a foreigner at the end of the day. Was it forbidden to climb the branches over there, for her own safety? Well, it didn't matter so much, she'd be careful and that's it. Shouldn't she play pranks? But life would be so boring if she never did! So, she was also completely free to devise something that might work to catch the fish, even if she had to move the branches out of the way or get into the lake herself. Surely she was faster than the elusive creatures, so what was she waiting for?

 As the petals danced carrying away thoughts and doubts, Lyra dove into the water with a great splash, moving all her paws at once in hopes of snagging one of the numerous fish in her claws. However, her careless way of falling had quickly alerted them and even if she felt one of them slipping next to her hind legs, by the time she wanted to turn around the fish was already far away. She only managed to hit herself and end up with her head under water!

Spitting out a small trickle of water, she hurried to the edge of the lake, looking up to catch the quizzical gaze of the locals. If it was that easy, they could already tell her how it was done. Her frustration only increased when, as she turned back towards the lake, she could see that more and more of the small flowers were still falling. They created a beautiful scene, the play of light and shadow among the clear canopies, accompanied even by a unique melody from the coming and going of the fish among the fallen flowers, but it only made her enterprise of catching something for dinner all the more difficult. When she found that even some of the wet petals had stuck to her fur, she could not contain her frustration any longer and turned away letting out some low grunts, still inwardly urging herself to take a deep breath.

She had been walking for a while between hmphs and pffs, with her head held high, when she heard someone call her name, not by name, but by little whispers and calls of "Miss! Miss Impulsive!"

"Wait, what did you call me?" she turned around quite energetically, more curious than angry perhaps, but still managed to startle her interlocutor who took a couple of steps back. This was a very young Elnin, and Lyra had to act fast to stop him from leaving. "No, wait, what do you want?"

"Um, well, you see... I couldn't help but watch you while you were fishing, well.... Not just me! The thing is, we've been trying to talk to you for a few days, I did.... Don't you remember me, I was a little short of paying for my food when you came over to help me, but as soon as you helped me, you were gone again."

"Now that you mention it..." that did happen. It was just a little, so she hadn't given it any thought. It wasn't that relevant either, he was just buying snacks....

"Well since then some friends and I have been noticing, despite your lack of manners, you seem to be a nice person!" This Elnin, he was definitely too straightforward for his own good. Lyra restrained herself from commenting on the other's manners, took a deep breath and let him finish explaining himself. "And I owe you a favor anyway, don't I? So let me explain to you how you should fish around here.... You can't just jump in, you need a net!"

Lyra listened carefully to the directions. She didn't normally display such patience, but she was rewarded with her own net, as young Elnin escorted her to the shop at the end of his explanations. Apparently the clerk was a friend of the little guy and gave her a special discount. Slightly more cheerful after the encounter, she set out again to catch the fish...

Only she also caught quite a lot of petals along with them. Was that normal? What should she do? Wash them? But that water was full of petals too! She decided she didn't feel like eating fish for dinner anymore, all in all, her curiosity to see what the shiny fish looked like was greater than the desire to eat them... she would leave for a second lesson what she should do in such cases.


Reward Amount
Elecite Coins 6


Thumbnail for ELN2021: Lyra

ELN2021: Lyra

Reward Amount
AP (Faerindell) (Currencies) 1