Elnin are feeling quite distracted lately. With the growing number of kittoms turning up in recent months it seems like a few odd-bob items and things are bound to go missing in the process.
Milka has lost his favorite barette and it was no where to be found. Of course he had a lot of others but Yaos new this one was an Hedera gift and had a big sentimental value.
He searched for it in vain, in and outside the roulotte...
Discouraged he talked to his friend, Daim. The silent and serious kittom just asked him :
- Did you check on Akane's roulotte ?
- Why would I ? I don't think Milka went inside th...
- No, no. On !
Daim helped Yaos to climb on Akane's roulotte and lifted a flap that was hiding... TONS of little items.. belonging to the caravan's members.
Daim just added :
- That's where Pimousse stocks her new loots theses days.