Submission (#2073) Approved

23 January 2021, 13:59:20 PST (3 years ago)
30 June 2021, 17:52:50 PDT (3 years ago) by AliLV


This was written as a flashback while Deidra is still a Kittom so to speak. I wanted to have her recall the first night she arrived at the capital but has been in Strynhalde for a couple weeks due to Aletta being on tour. It's also supposed to be a sister quest to the Snowball fight prompt since this is all happening in one big trip.


It had been about a few weeks now since Deidra had been in Strynhalde. From the sounds of things her mother’s Winter Wonderland Tour of Love was finally drawing to a close. It wouldn’t be long before they would be on a packed cart home to Faerindell, or so she hoped. She wasn’t too fond of the snow covered lands since she arrived. It was too cold, too wet…well mostly too cold and too wet. On the way over the snow that would continuously fall made it difficult to make heads or tails of what was truly in store for them. It was ominous, as if hiding away something sinister.


Her mother had been begging for her to just try to keep an open mind since she knew Deidra wasn’t fond of being cold. She strongly preferred the nice spring breeze of Faerindell but Strynhalde had its own equal merits. At the beginning of the trip Deidra was reluctant to agree with what her mother was saying but the first night almost changed her mind.


The spotted Kittom climbed up into the bed she was provided at the Inn they had been residing at since they arrived. She began reminiscing about all the sights and sounds she witnessed while she was staying in Iorumund…


When they had first arrived in Iorumund at night Aletta thought it would be a great idea for all the children to see the light and ice sculpture attraction that Iorumund was known for. The lights almost reminded Deidra of the holidays as they were mostly reds, greens, blues, golds and silvers that lit the pathway of the sculpture tour. It made Deidra question if maybe Christmas was celebrated all year ‘round? If so that was something she could get behind!


There were many sculptures to witness. Some were of famous Elnins that called Strynhalde home. Some were heroes, others celebrities much like Aletta, and others were founders and first generation Elnin. There were also sculptures of native creatures such and polar canines and cute chickadees. Deidra was mostly drawn to the sculptures of other Elnin that held celebrity status rivaling her mother’s.


With each sculpture there was a written description. One that really captivated her was the ‘Legendary Dire Nin’. Apparently this Elnin stood much higher than any Elnin she had seen before. He had protected Strynhalde from attacks from otherworldly creatures who looked to destroy the beauty of Strynhalde. He had sharp, long teeth and eyes that could pierce through the night sky. Was it truly possibly that an Elnin could be as tall or as strong as a bear? That seemed ridiculous but she had heard crazier things from faeries and the likes.


At the end of the sculpture tour they came to a grand stage, well lit by bright, white lights. “And this is where I will be performing tomorrow night!” She remembers her mother exclaiming excitedly. She had been dying to have another show in Iorumund but hadn’t been able to make it up after her litter with Monteblanc had happened. Not that she regretted having Xhaiden, Yarrow, or Ulysses but they were a bigger handful than her first two litters. They each had such striking, differing personalities it made dividing up her time quite difficult.


Deidra remembers stepping onto the stage and looking out to the crowd of ice sculptures. There were Elnin also taking the tour with their Kittoms. They were very much intrigued by the stage that she was standing on, almost expecting Dei herself to make a performance. She could remember how fast her heart was beating in that moment. Was this how her mother felt while she was singing? The thrill, the exhilaration of many pairs of eyes watching you on a stage…it was sort of overwhelming to process.


“Mom, do you think I’m going to be a good performer like you someday?” Deidra asked softly as her mother joined her up on stage.


“Hmmm…yes I do.” Aletta nodded her head before letting out a soft chuckle, “but that’s because you’re one of my babies. All my children are wonderful and very talented. You are no exception to this." She looked out and waved to some fans that had taken notice to them on stage. “I’m not trying to put pressure on you. You can grow up and become whatever you’d like to be. I’ll be proud of you either way. Eyre is your world to explore and conquer however way you wish.”


Deidra gazed at her mother before looking up at the night sky. Snow was still falling but it didn’t seem as ominous as when she first arrived on the cart. After seeing the snow sculptures it gave her some perspective. The lights were also very beautiful to witness. Strynhalde felt oddly cozy with a great deal of history behind it. It just wasn’t a cold place where snow falls with a few spruce trees here and there.


“Your grandparents used to sing me songs while looking up at the night sky. I didn’t really get to travel the world until I learned of their passing. I vowed when I was to have children I would make sure they saw all of Eyre. That way they had no regrets or fears in the world they lived in. Everything about Eyre is wonderful and I hope this trip can really show you that…”


“Hey Deidra are you sleeping?” Xhaiden had snapped Deidra out of recalling the memory of that night she saw the snow sculptures with her mother.


Deidra looked down at Xhaiden and noticed he was holding some hot cocoa. This was another thing the Kittom was really enjoying about Strynhalde as well. “Nope but I’m sure that would help.” She pointed to the drink he was holding.


Xhaiden giggled and nodded. “Yeah I thought so. Ulysses is snoring so I couldn’t sleep. Do you mind if I hang out with you tonight?” He set the mug of hot cocoa down and climbed into Deidra’s bed.


Deidra gave him a pillow and shared some of her blanket. In exchange she was given the mug. “I don’t mind. I was just thinking about the first night we came to Strynhalde. It’s been really nice don’t you think?”


“Really I thought you hated it here? Something about it being too cold?” Xhaiden laughed and took a sip of his hot cocoa.


“Yeah…you’re right. It’s still too cold and too wet..."


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