Submission (#1926) Approved

13 January 2021, 23:56:14 PST (4 years ago)
19 January 2021, 22:17:54 PST (4 years ago) by tatter


Regional Affinity: Strynhalde
Claiming Regional Affinity for: Xylo [ELN1250]
Word Count: 701


Xylo was hunkered down in Strynhalde this miasma season. Perhaps it was because it was easy to stay cooped up in the chilly climate to begin with that Kormir had brought them here for doing work this winter. Usually more paperwork seemed to drift in when elnin were cooped up since many could not adventure. Xylo had grown quite blue though with their pomu turning into a vivid blue crystal with a soft glow to it. “Why don’t you try crafting a lantern and explore town a bit. It’s warded and the locals are really nice.” Kormir encouraged him as the adult elnin peered over his classes to gesture to a dresser of supplies tucked in drawers.

Xylo heaved a sigh and dug through the materials. He was definitely no artist but he would still at least try to create something beautiful to make his lantern stand out. If he didn’t he had a slight fear it might be lost in the snow entirely. He started his art project by affixing together some small metal rods. They didn’t hold very well until he used a sort of putty-like material to hold their corners together. He let the framework harden before moving on to draw on some paper. Pulling out some vivid colors to draw with he watched the fire flicker in the fireplace. It was such a warm spot in front of the fire he just about fell asleep in front of it cradling the pomu crystal in an arm. Even in this form he found his friend soothing to spend time with and missed the pomu dearly. Bringing himself to alertness he looked at the clock with relief. It would only be daylight for so many hours and he didn’t want to get caught out in the snow when it was getting dark. Even with the soft glow of his pomu crystal Strynhalde was not as well lit in areas like Silveil where the city’s lights shone brightly.

Shifting his eyes back to the paper he drew the warm fire as well as he could. When he was satisfied with that he worked on the backdrop. He didn’t particularly want a super warm colored lantern, just enough to stand out, so he moved to the window to draw the snowy scenery outside as the backdrop for his lanterns design. Once his design was finished he fixed it to the frame and corralled his lantern inside the frame, carefully tying a string around it and asking Kormir to help fasten it to his tail.

Bundling up he headed out into the tundra to show his pomu crystal the fanciful displays around Strynhalde. It seemed like the locals took to decorating with time spent closer to their town bringing a sort of gloom. Along with the decorations of wreaths and garland that esleworlders had introduced them to a few stands were out with warm drinks. Kormir had given Xylo a little pocket change to get a warm soothing cup of cocoa while out and the kittom sat down on a bench to enjoy it. He wished his pomu were here to enjoy the experience with him but quite a few passing elnin commented on his lantern at least. When the miasma months passed and his pomu returned from its dormant state he would share the winter and tales with his friend.

For now though Xylo just sat contently among the soft falling snow and gazed upon the mostly white landscape. He may not have been terribly fond of the idea of staying in Strynhalde these months initially but perhaps it wasn’t so bad afterall. Hurrying back home he left a trail of footprints through the snow covered paths before laying his belongings over a chair to dry. He had enjoyed the snow but realized a bit belatedly his lantern was getting soaked as the snow melted. Upon coming home he carefully set out the lantern to dry, though he kept his crystal affixed to the string just to keep it close a while longer. It would be a calm few months but Xylo felt perhaps he could find enough things to share with his pomu even in this form if he tried.


Reward Amount
Elecite Coins 6


Thumbnail for ELN1250: Xylo

ELN1250: Xylo

Reward Amount
AP (Strynhalde) (Currencies) 1