Submission (#1067) Approved

22 October 2020, 19:50:19 PDT (3 years ago)
27 October 2020, 20:11:47 PDT (3 years ago) by tatter


1st Submission
Word Count: 645
Permission: Given
Currency Reward - 6EC


Everything seemed to be just fine at the start of the day, quiet, calm and relaxing. Birds were chirping and nature at it's finest, that was until the crowds started forming. It started out small with just a few others but soon more and more came around and the noise levels started to rise. It soon became too much for dear Yukkin who loved the peace and quiet. Why the Palu'au Islands are a most beautiful place, it's major city of Islasera could get pretty busy at different times of the day. Yukkin, growing quickly tired of the noise and crowds of people started away, moving off and headed for the city's exit. He needed to get away from all the hustle and bustle of city life in exchange for something much more silent and surrounded by nature. Once outside the city's walls he slipped off to the beautiful beaches of the Palu'au Islands. As soon as he grew closer to the ocean the sounds of the waves crashing against the sand caught his ears, making him smile happily.

Taking a deep breath in, Yukkin took in the scent of the surrounding salt water. Yes, this is exactly what he needed, peace and quiet with the sounds of the rolling waves. He silently walked over and sat in the warm sand and gazed out over the beautiful sapphire sea. Yukkin was a shy fellow but he couldn't much help it, it was just the way he was even if he disliked it. He wish he could be more social but things were that way for a reason, weren't they? Who really knew what the meaning was behind his shyness but it was one of his traits that made him who he was. Closing his eyes he rested back, his ears flicking and twitching at all the different sounds he took in from all around him. This is what calmed him and brought him the peace he looked for, well, this and baking. Baking was another that he enjoyed, not so much of making things but the fact that he could share his pastries and more with others. Just being able to see them biting into what he's baked and watching they're expression light up with enjoyment brought him great joy.

Opening his eyes once more he stood back to his paws and walked for the waves that breached the beach and stepped into the cool water. The feeling of water against his ankles and the shifting sand under his paws was a great feeling, a comforting feeling that brought him into a state if blissful happiness. Being out here on the quiet beach with barely anyone around was the perfect way to spend a day. He could have fun drawing in the sand or even build sand castles, they were simple tasks but they were fun to do none the less. Shell collecting was one thing he enjoyed since there were such an array of shells he could choose from along the sands and in the shallows. Wading a bit deeper into the clear water Yukkin glanced around, his eyes focused on the shifting and moving sands for any perfect shells that had no chips or cracks. It didn't take long however before he had found a few and wondered out of the water to look them over after washing away the sand that covered their beauty.

Much to his happiness, Yukkin was able to find some beautiful shells, such as kitten's paw, lettered olive and even some banded tulips and king's crown. With these in his paws he was happy and quiet excited to add them to his already existing collection of shells. To know the day started out loud and noisy only to turn into a find time at the beach made him happy. Everything was going just right for him this day.


Reward Amount
Elecite Coins 6


Thumbnail for ELN461: Yukkin

ELN461: Yukkin

Reward Amount