
Created: 26 June 2020, 02:21:52 PDT
Last updated: 2 September 2022, 01:33:57 PDT


General Info

Racial Presence: Moro [High] | All other races are present in more or less equal amounts.

Population Density: High, but spread out.

Border Policies: TBA

Notables: TBA

Major Cities

  • Bejali: (Capital)
  • Weldwick:
  • Termina:
  • Devara:

Resources for Ahza-specific backgrounds

NOTE If your art has been featured here, and you would like it removed, please notify us and we will do so!

Inspiration Images Folder: [link]

NOTE The inspiration images are not going to be 100% accurate since well, these regions do not exist in the real world! A lot of the images will note what specifically the image is meant to be pointing to (a specific city, or nature feature, etc) so be sure to take note of what the images are named. It is possible that features that are small or in the background of the images may not be accurate to the region since it can be hard to find a perfect image for some regions, so take each image as a glimpse and not the full picture. You will need to read the region descriptions below and combine them with the inspiration images to get a full picture of the region!



Stuff to Keep in Mind

Ahza is half desert, but it also has a very wide flood plain that has a savanna-like feel. The very north of Ahza is shrouded in thunderstorms at all times. The rain from these storms feeds the entire region.

Iconic Land Features / Feature Combinations:

These characteristics are very distinctive, and can easily indicate the surrounding region. Including just one of these features/feature combinations in your piece should be enough to pinpoint your desired region.

Ahza's Eldertree

Each region has its own distinct eldertree. These trees are colossal, stretching for miles into the air. They can usually be seen from almost anywhere within a region assuming there's a line of sight. Finding a way to feature the region's eldertree of your scene can help establish your intended setting pretty effectively!

The eldertree that anchors Ahza is an absolutely massive banyan-type tree, its roots curled around the skeleton of some ancient colossal dragon.


Bones Hidden in the Sand

459_VFmfU8RFbL.png 2758_CXm8uEADcN.png 2179_qv19pubCoV.jpg

Oasis Towns, Rivers

255_yvQ8cKVZsB.jpg 279_cyMUIDeoMz.png 2901_Kb598w5co2.png

Storm Lands

1637_sJmu8nje2A.png 328_Z1sbP336VL.png

General Features:

These characteristics could potentially be harder to place if drawn by themselves. Please consider combining 2-3 of the following features together to help us quickly confirm your desired region. We've also noted where some features might have visual overlap with other regions.

Desert, Sand, Dust

Be careful of overlap with: Palu'au Islands (beaches)!
2228_95UTQN3nbG.jpg 2562_XcHdIRsx0F.png 277_wPBqUAxe9O.png


Be careful of overlap with: Palu'au Islands (sandy beaches, water's edge)!

Cliffs and Waterfalls

Located at the southern edge. Be careful of overlap with: Kyendi (waterfalls)!
2338_mnuygoQ2bF.png 2252_ZC3Tl8kk1g.png

Mudbrick Themed Buildings

Located in the southern half. Be careful of overlap with: Zevija (mudbrick buildings/etc)!
254_brr1c13F0X.jpg 2101_EP0LNaI45n.jpg

The Three Fs: Fauna, Flora and Food

These creatures and plants occur naturally only in specific regions of Eyre. There are also unique cuisines found in each region! This is optional but you can try including one or more of these in your piece to give it some extra flair.


Examples will be here when available.


1336_61WPEZwyCx.png 406_JhtJr6qyaW.png



More Great Examples!

Art Examples

1335_7tqa6emmNf.png 1465_iTOp9PLRxZ.png 278_q6sDCJQaVX.png